I just got back from my second OMG (Oh Middle Grade) Book Festival. This year it was in St. Louis, MO and hosted by The Novel Neighbor. Here is just a few pictures of the fabulous festival organized by Sarah Mylnowski, Christina Soontornvat, Michael Buckley, Adele Griffins, and Julia Devillers.

I’m still amazed that 2,000 books were given away to children. Bonus! I met and hung out with my favorite authors like Karin Yan Glaser, Booki Vivat, Stuart Gibbs, Vashti Harrison, Elizabeth Eulberg, Marcus Emerson, and Tui Sutherland. For more information please visit: www.omgbookfest.org.


I’m headed to St. Louis, MO in two weeks for OMG Book Festival. For more information please visit: www.omgbookfest.org


NCTE Language Arts Magazine

It’s such an honor to have my illustration on the cover of Language Arts Magazine. The artwork is from Marta! Big & Small written by the fabulous Jen Arena. To along with the cover is an article on “Sustaining Bilingualism” where they discuss using Marta! Big and Small in a bilingual classroom.

One of my favorite lines from the article by Cecilia M. Espinosa and Alison Lehner-Quam is, “ An engagement with Marta! Big & Small provides young children like Aria the chance to translate lines from the book, making her talents visible to others. It also adds rich opportunities for children’s bilingualism to be sustained and further developed.” My heart swoons just reading that. Thank you National Council Of Teachers Of English and Jonda Mcnair for this opportunity.


SCBWI Golden Kite Awards Speeches

I’m thrilled to be able to show you clips from the SCBWI Golden Kite Awards. While you should watch the entire video, you can skip ahead to around minute 14:30 to see Meg Medina introduce my award, The Sid Fleischman Award for Humor. .

2019 Visual Artist Residency at the Highlights Foundation

I’m thrilled to be the featured visual artist for 2019 at the Highlights Foundation. Artwork from my book, Sing, Don’t Cry will be on display for the whole 2019 workshop season. The opening reception will be April 7th and preceding the reception will be an “un-workshop” from April 4th to the 7th. Here is a link with more information:




Golden Kite Gala #NY19SCBWI

 was wonderfully surreal, magical, and more. Thank you to SCBWI for awarding #sidfleischman to my book, STELLA DÍAZ HAS SOMETHING TO SAY. Another big thank you to SCBWI for bringing Justice Sonia Sotomayor to the Golden Kite Gala. She inspired everyone with her words. I can't believe I signed a copy of my book for her! 

Now my lovely award sits on my bookshelf next to some great company. 

Finally, gracias again to Meg Medina for her lovely introduction.


I’m delighted to say my debut middle grade novel has received some really great praise and attention. In the past month, it received the SID FLEISCHMAN AWARD and made the ALA NOTABLE LIST! I can’t wait to go to NY next week to receive the SID FLEISCHMAN award and see some of my favorite people.



I just came back from #ncte2018 in Houston. I had a wonderful time on a panel with five other female writers. Our topic was on how to use Diverse Lit to Build Empathy with Middle Schoolers. Thank you to everyone at Macmillan School and Library for their support. Here are just a few pictures.

Also gigantic news! STELLA DIAZ HAS SOMETHING TO SAY is a New York Public Library Top Ten Pick for Kid’s 2018 #bestbooks

SVRC and Young Authors Program

I just got back from three days Author visit in Western Virginia near Staunton, Harrisonburg, and Bridgewater. I had great time visiting elementary school and presenting to aspiring educators at James Madison University.

Skype In the Classroom

I’ve just relaunched my Guest Speaker profile on Skype in the Classroom! I love this infographic that Candlewick put together too.


Princeton Children's Book Festival

Just came back from another fabulous year at the Princeton Children’s Book Festival. Here are just a few pictures. It was great to see the giraffe I designed for the poster on the wall and all the name badges. I’m grateful to the wonderful people at Princeton Public Library, JaZams Book store, wonderful attendees, and all the great author/illustrators at the festival.


I just came back from vacation and a wonderful experience at ILA annual conference in Austin.  I spent three days with wonderful educators and fellow authors like Vera Brogsol, Varian Johnson, Angela Cervantes, Colby Sharp, Juana Martinez-Neal, and Pablo Cartaya. Here are just a few pictures from panels and presentations. Thank you to Macmillan for bringing me and being so supportive of STELLA DÍAZ HAS SOMETHING TO SAY. Also a big thank you to Susannah Richards and Oralia Cortes for moderating the panels.